Putting yourself into your Work

There are ways and there are ways

I've been distracted, so my schedule has been a bit off. I did manage to get my veggie garden ready to plant, and my outdoor ritual area is re-consecrated. It still doesn't have privacy, but it's ready to go. Hopefully the bushes and vines will grow back soon.

But we're going to move beyond my stuff to a subject that I've touched on once or twice.

Experienced witches will tell you how important it is to make your own tools whenever you can. If you have ritual garb, the better coven elders will tell you that you should sew it yourself. You see, when you are casting a spell, you're also weaving a part of yourself into the spell. In my metaphor, you're putting your orgone threads into the spell. The more passionate and focused you are, the stronger the threads.

Now there many ways to do this. One of the quickies is the old "breath of life" routine. It works pretty well too, if temporarily.

Understand, the power and effectiveness comes from your focus and passion. The ritual garb and the tools aren't necessarily as important as what they invoke from you.

But they certainly aren't the only ways. For example, I use blood and semen mixed in with the first fertilizer of the spring. Even if I never use the plants and veggies for any magickal purposes (Ha!), there is a part of me woven into my garden and reinforces the refuge for my wildman.

But there is another way, a trickier way. That word "trickier" is justified, but it is why I didn't want to post this piece yesterday.

I talked about a simple unpronounceable syllable in this post. It's possible to make one part of your magickal name. If it's done right, it will define your core experiences and the things that make you you. From then on, anything that you use to symbolize that name will also contain the unpronounceable syllable and will incorporate your focus and passion.

Of course, if you do it wrong, the backlash will have some "interesting" and rather unpleasant effects.

Where do you start, you ask?

Why are you asking me? If I gave you such a symbol, then theoretically I could draw on your power whenever I wished. And without your consent.

Of course, there aren't people today who would do that.

If you believe that, you need more help than I can give.

No, for the power and ability to truly belong to you, you have to find it. And once you find it, you have to refine it, polish it, make it your own.

Sounds too hard, you say?

Then why are you messing with the magick?

Posted: Fri - April 2, 2010 at 02:32 PM
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