NOW I'm awake

I'm in some hot water

I try to live by certain rules.

One is "Always do what you promise." Another is "Try to deliver more than you promised."

So I goofed.

I fell asleep.

During foreplay. On her.

And she was more than ready.

Blast it.

I really, really, REALLY owe her one. Or seven.

Maybe I'll think of something before she starts talking to me again.

So why do I mention this?

Because even though I take a certain pride in a skill set, it wasn't enough to keep me awake when it counted.

I've got some major rituals coming up soon. If I fall asleep during one of those, I'll answer to Someone with much less patience. The silent treatment will be the least of my problems.

I can't afford to assume I'm good enough. I have to make sure I deliver.

Posted: Mon - June 7, 2010 at 06:57 AM
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