Look at the Purty Moon

Full moon musings and memories

This isn't my Tuesday entry, it's just me smiling at the moon.

As I type this, dawn is just breaking and the azure is creeping into the eastern horizon, but the full moon is shining through the clouds on the western side.

It's one of the prettiest moons that I have seen in some time, slightly fuzzy but still silver-white, nicely framed with a tunnel of soft clouds.

When I was a kid on nights of the full moon, my stepdad used to say "look at the purty moon."

Among other things, my stepdad was a classical radio announcer. He was always very exact with his speech, so the "purty" bit was a put on. And of course he'd only say it when the moon was behind a cloud, or the car had changed direction and you couldn't see the moon.

You see, I come by my orneriness naturally, it was well drilled into me.

So as I am watching this gorgeous lady moon travel through the ever changing sky, I have only one thing to say.

And you know what it is.

Here's to you, Dad. May the gods keep you from sorrow This Side. I thank you for the blessed memories.

Look at the purty moon.

Posted: Tue - February 10, 2009 at 06:58 AM
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