Reclusive Pagan guy entertains

Just a little short on time

Yes, I had some company starting last Wednesday. They left of Sunday.

Even semi-hermits like me like company sometimes.

Even more if it's of the female persuasion.

Ah well, this is the annual "summer trip and let's go see the friends and relatives in Arizona." It happens more than you think, especially when I am close to the Grand Canyon and about a day's drive from Las Vegas.

That narrowed it down, didn't it? That covers about half the state.

Anyway, it's hard to do anything in depth with guests, so other than my BBQ, my Beltaine was reserved.

And today my stepbro is coming in for a couple of days. Then he's back off to Iraq. Not military, he works for a contractor.

I'm shooting for a longer article on Thursday, but I will probably do something short for tommorrow.

Posted: Mon - May 4, 2009 at 01:53 PM
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