It was just too cool

Visible weather effects make my inner Wild Man geek out

I know, weather in my high desert is awfully mild compared to most of what has been happening in the U.S. this winter.

It doesn't mean I can't groove on it though.

Yesterday we had fog until after 1 p.m. For most of that time visibility was way down. But there were some times when the fog lifted for ten or twenty feet above ground level except for this really thin level right on the streets.

Ever seen rivers of fog slowly drifting between sidewalks and snowbanks? I have. Now.

It was just too cool.

Ever seen a single shaft of apricot sunlight pierce the fog like a spotlight to highlight one single cliff face? Now I have.

Ever seen a slowly twisting cloud pattern begin at the ground and blossom high above beyond your sight like a moving tree of vapor? I now have.

This is an amazing intense planet we live on.

I. Have. Now.

Moments like that fill me with a quiet joy and a certainty that all is right in the universe.

Posted: Wed - December 23, 2009 at 06:21 AM
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