Putter putter putter

All quiet in the sanctum

I've been a little down. Busywork keeps my mind off it.

So I've been labeling my library crates and making sure that the contents are labeled, entered in the appropriate Readerware database, and if it's a book, also listed on LibraryThing.

There's a bunch of these I need to read for the first time instead of going back to the "old reliables" all the time. Hopefully this will let me see and make it a priority.

I did run across a mistake or two. In Crate Twenty-Three the few books were labeled for that crate, but all of the DVDs were labeled for Crate Twenty-Four. Since there were many more DVDs than books, I relabeled the books and the crate.

That gave me a chance to tweak the "bookplates" (& DVDplates) a bit more, mainly to make the title more prominent and correct the spacing. Like I said. busy work. Long term it will help. It's just tedious and time consuming.

I just finished the books for Crate Ten, I need to grab some loose videos for the top. But now I'm going to go take a quick shower, put on a smile mask, and make nice for a late lunch.

The Robot Lives.

Posted: Thu - July 29, 2010 at 12:38 PM
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