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Where I will take this site from here

I've been thinking about what I want to do with this site.

Way back when, the first version of Technopagan Yearnings started as one of those "this is what Pagans believe" sites that have (fortunately) mostly died off. All the pages were hand coded, and it taught me more about HTML and the need for modular design than anything else.

When I started the blog version, I wanted a Pagan commentary to compliment my political commentary. I wanted to share a few insights I have had over the years, maybe a couple of hard won lessons. One of the things that I am discovering more and more is that the sojourner's path is a intensely personal experience. The things I consider important aren't necessarily the things that others think are important. Maybe it has something to do with the way I came to Paganism, I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am a "hermit" by nature and I don't readily allow other people in.

I've spent time on the road the last few months (I'm trying to buy a plot of land in Colorado). The seventh or eighth time on the same road makes you think.

I do think I have something to offer, for whatever it's worth. But it is going to be on my terms. Of course I want to hear what people have to say. But I'm not going to say everything I know or think about every subject.

As for that book thing that someone asked me about last week. Yes, I have a great title. No, I am not sure that I am willing to write it. And I am not sure it would sell.

So what is the outlook from here on out? I am going to try to stick to the twice weekly schedule, but not every entry is going to be one of the long ones. Those take hours to put together, even if I don't have to research them. I'm going to start the Taproots, which will rehash previous entries. Mostly you will see exactly what this version of the site started out as, a brief commentary on neopagans and modern Paganism.

I hope you'll stick around and keep reading.

Posted: Tue - July 29, 2008 at 02:24 PM
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