Wide Area Consecration


New acquaintance Don Meinshausen is both a Pagan and a liberty activist. For someone who leans towards the solitary when it comes to practicing magick, it certainly has given me an excuse to stretch the brain cells.

For example, how do you go about consecrating a large area for a freedom rally? Especially with all the people who wouldn't pay attention to a ritual and aren't really magickal in their thinking?

If I had to do it and do it reasonably quickly, I'd work with knots. Maybe using three colors of curling ribbon (red, white, and blue come to mind) and some beads. Take three short lengths of ribbon, one of each color. Feed them through a bead. Tie the lengths around something at the boundary of the area you want consecrated. Repeat until you've encircled the area.

Now you have Similarity working for you because each of those ribbon pieces is still linked to the others. Visualize your finger tip leaving a light streak, move from bead to bead, touching each in turn. The three strands twisting together help bind it all together.

Now visualize the area filled with energy. I think a great image would be a towering Lady Liberty pouring a pool of light from her torch. The pool of energy stays mainly in one place, which allows people to come and go without "breaking the circle."

Make of it what you will. Of course the more people who understand what you are doing and who help set it up, the better it's going to work. It won't last more than a few hours, but that's all you need.

Posted: Tue - April 14, 2009 at 02:00 PM
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