Archiving the old Technopagan Yearnings site

Page changes and the last of the updates there

I've pretty much converted the pages at the old mac dot com TPY site to archive status.

The old front page is pared way down, with a big link to the new homepage, a JavaScript RSS feed for the most recent posts at the new site, and just the entry on moving.

The category pages at the old site redirect to the appropriate category pages in the new webspace.

The year pages at the old site redirect to the appropriate year pages in the new webspace.

And the only day page that showed on the calendar (June 5, 2007) redirects to the appropriate day page in the new webspace.

The actual entry pages up through June 5, 2007 are intact, but each has a very prominent link to the new homepage.

I'm keeping the old site to preserve old links, but all the action is at the new webspace.

Posted: Wed - June 27, 2007 at 03:02 PM
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