KMF revisited

Spreading the word

I told you about the "Keep Moving Forward" MemeCards I made for my design business. Nothing elaborate, a little graphical layout, the words "Keep Moving Forward," and a quote from the Disney film.

"From failing you learn. From success, not so much."

Well, after I got the cards but before I got the new email addys up and running, I handed out eight as samples to friends to get their opinions.

Five of those eight now have new jobs.

Granted, the sample size is too small to draw meaningful conclusions. But there are three strong possibilities. First, something odd and arcane is going on. Second, I'm hanging out with people who are basically dissatisfied with their lives. And third, it's all coincidence. I'm willing to bet on a combination of all three.

But there is one factor that gives me pause for thought. I wrote a short story once that seemed to have unusual effects on the people who read it.

I think I can count this one as a success.

Posted: Mon - July 14, 2008 at 02:52 PM
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