Gold star

Sharp eyed reader wants her prize

I'm running short on time again. This time I was looking for a book for a somewhat longer entry.

I really need to finish putting crate numbers in Readerware, that would make it a lot easier to find the books. But that would mean that I have to finish numbering the crates too…

Anyway, when I am looking for a blog entry, I often turn to my email. And reader greenerose wants her gold star.

Back in the entry Ephemeral, I promised a gold star if someone could figure out how the chant really ended, Well, greenerose noticed that chant was very similar to the chant in the recent Why do I do it? entry. She wrote and gave the correct answer over the weekend.

So here, without further ado, is a gold star. Or two. Sometimes I believe in overdoing it.

She also deduced that there was probably a longer version that both were drawn from. Smart lady there.

Here's the complete long version. I know the cadence seems a bit odd, but trust me, it works.

I am.

I am
…where I am.
I am
…who I am.
I am
…what I am.

I am.

I am what I am.
And the (hu)man that I am
Stands WHERE I am
Says WHO I am
Knows WHAT I am

What I am NOW
Demands what I dream…
Demands That I ACT
I am here now

I am what I am
I am who I am
I am.

So there you have it, a gold star for the lady and one of my power chants thrown in for good measure.

Posted: Tue - February 23, 2010 at 02:27 PM
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