The hunting of the bunnies

Wrapping up the responses to my entry on bunny hunting

I have to say that the posted comments on my No more bunny hunting entry were very polite, as were most of the emails. The one flamer, well, I think clumsy is the word that comes to mind. Nice change from the infamous response to the V ritual entry.

I am still concerned. Some mix in predator hunting in with bunny hunting. That is a bit like mixing serial rapists in with shoplifters, they may have both broken the law, but the degree and type of damage differs. Lumping them into one category blurs the distinctions between them.

Overall, I still have to say it comes off a lot like a Pagan Inquisition, and I am not sure if that is good for the "Pagan community."

I also have to admit that there was a time not so long ago that I would have jumped in with the rest of the hunters. My one experience from the other side made me question my motivations and helped me decide what kind of person I really wanted to be.

Is that attitude sanctimonious? Certainly no more than the assumption that bunnies need to be hunted in the first place. Nor is the realization that there is not so much that separates the hunters from the bunnies sometimes.

I believe that bunnies need to be thumped as you encounter them. I don't think they need to be sought out.

I'll do another post later today on another topic. Unless something happens, this is the final public post on this subject from me.

Posted: Thu - January 11, 2007 at 05:35 AM
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