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Definitions for words and phrases that I often use. There’s no political correctness here.

The Advanced Bonewits Cult Danger Evaluation Frame or ABCDEF - one of the best tools to evaluate groups or leaders, particularly those that seem a little off

companion - a lady friend and sexual partner

Crusader - a pernicious form of True Believer™ marked by immorality, intolerance, and intrusiveness towards others. When it comes to criticism of the Ideal, Crusaders are irrational as well. See also “Why does your enlightenment demand that I sacrifice?”

dark & early - morning well before dawn begins to lighten the sky

Diné/Navajo - an Amerindian tribe found in the American Southwest. They name themselves Diné or “the People.” Navajo is the common name

Golden Rule - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

High Holiday - a cross quarter point and one of the gateways between the four seasons. On the WebTree path, a three day celebration honoring the gods and marking the midpoint between the solstice and equinox (or equinox and solstice). It begins on sunset of the first day and lasts until sunset of the third day

Iron Rule - Don't do for others what they can do for themselves

Lady in the
Court of Shadows - A WebTree three day celebration marking the new Moon or dark Moon and honoring the magick

Lady in the
Court of Stars - A WebTree three day celebration marking the full Moon or bright Moon and honoring the magick

Robot -

Silver Rule - Do for yourself at least as much as you do for others

Solar Festival - an equinox or solstice. On the WebTree path, a three day celebration honoring the gods beginning on sunrise of the first day and lasting until sunrise on the third

Those Who Want to Be Noticed - it’s not just that they believe, they need the perception of others to validate their belief. A version of the True Believer™

True Believer™ - possesses an absolute belief that their particular book, method, faith, interpretation, or silly hat is The Only Acceptable Choice. They will ignore anything that anyone else does if it doesn't adhere totally to The True Way. Worse, they will overlook mistakes and abuses made by the people on the correct side, even as they violate the principles they hold central to their belief